How to Organize Family Photos?

Tru is a free photo/video organize assistant that helps you to keep your memories organized in one place.

Trusted by users in 130+ countries.

Family photos are something very close to our hearts and will never want them to be lost. So to be on a safer side we should always have a backup of all these memories wherever possible. Here are the methods in which you can backup and organize all your family photos.

Best Ways to Organize Family Photos

  1. Organize Your Photos in Envelopes or Boxes: First, gather the photos in one place & then divide them according to themes, occasions or events. Now create a Box/envelop per theme and add then photos accordingly.
  2. Convert your photos: Create a digital copy of all your printed photos so that you can scan them all and backup to a storage cloud.
  3. Create your own photo album: Create your own album with all the old-new, advanced or unique captions describing them.

And if you are planning to organize all your photos in a chronological sequence then you should take a look at TruOrganizer.  Tru brings all your photos into one single folder, de-dupe them and organize them in MONTH/YEAR folders so all your photos are systematically put into different folders based on the month-year they were clicked. You simply connect all the folders where your photos are and Tru does the rest.